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- QRZ Command Processor Help File (Version 1.0)
- At the main QRZ! prompt, the following commands are valid:
- <callsign> Looks up the callsign
- N .........Searches the Name database.
- S..........Searches the City/State database.
- Z..........Searches the Zip Code database.
- M..........Takes you to the setup menu (printing, files, etc.).
- H or ?.....Gets you this help.
- Q..........Exits the program.
- Command Detail
- The QRZ command processor expects that the user will input either a
- callsign pattern or a command. All commands are single letter. Any
- group of two or more letters in a row is considered a callsign lookup
- command. For example, if you type 'abc' at the command prompt, the
- program will look up all callsigns which end in the letters 'ABC'.
- The entire database is upper case and all user input is converted
- to upper case so all commands and patterns are case insensitive.
- <callsign> When a multiple letter pattern is input, the program uses
- it to find a matching callsign or callsigns. The search engine does
- callsign suffix matching, that is, the letters which follow the
- number (and the number itself) in a callsign. The program does not
- do prefix (e.g. WB1*) matching.
- N This command performs lookups in the person names database.
- In a multi-parameter input line, the command may be given as 'n
- last first' where 'last' is the person's last name and 'first' is
- their first or surname. The name pattern search ignores middle
- initials. You can use the star '*' character to mean all FIRST
- names in the database. The '*' character may be used with last
- names after the first letter(s). For example, the command
- 'n s* *) will list all people whose last name begins with an 's'.
- The first name part (if given) is always considered to be first*
- so if you type 'n smith fred' you'll get both Fred Smith and
- Fredrick Smith. . If you type only 'N' by itself, the program
- will prompt you for the last and then the first name to look for.
- Arguments which contain spaces (e.g. "Le May" or "Jean Luc")
- must be enclosed in double quotes.
- S This command performs lookups in the City/State database. The
- command operates similar to the 'N' command in that '*' may be used
- to with the city part. If you do not supply the city and state
- parameters on the command line, the program will prompt you for
- input. City names which contain spaces must be quoted within
- double quotes (e.g. 's mo "saint louis"' returns all hams
- living in Saint Louis, Missouri).
- Z This command performs lookups in the Zip Code database. The 'Z'
- command expects a single zipcode to follow it, as in 'z 90210'. If
- you do not supply the zipcode after the 'Z', the program will prompt
- you for it.
- M The 'M' commands are used to access the Setup Menu. The setup
- menu allows you to control such things as turning printers on and
- off, sending output to a file, turning screen output on or off, and
- a selection of data output formats. There are 11 classes of 'M'
- commands, which can be seen by simply typing 'M'. 'M' commands can
- be stacked on a command line. Take for example the command:
- m 2 d:\test m 4 m 3 s * nv
- This is a compound command which says
- m 2 d:\test <- write output to file called d:\test
- m 4 <- select mailing label format
- m 3 <- turn off screen output
- s * nv <- lookup all cities in Nevada
- Typing 'M' with no arguments invokes the interactive setup menu.
- The default setup menu has the following status display:
- 1) Output to Printer.........OFF
- 2) Output to File............OFF
- 3) Output to Screen..........ON
- 4) Mailing Label Format......OFF
- 5) Raw Record Format.........OFF
- 6) Book Format...............OFF
- 7) Screen Format ............ON
- 8) Pause on Full Screen......ON
- 9) Records Per Page..........6
- Enter item # to CHANGE or Q to exit ->
- The M Commands
- Output Directors - selects output destination(s). Any (or none)
- of the following destinations may be simultaneously selected.
- M 1 - Send Output to Printer. On/Off Toggle. Sends all output to
- The printer. Screen output is suspended (may be turned back
- on with M 3). M 1 turns the printer on or off each time it is
- invoked.
- M 2 [filename] - Send Output to File. On/Off Toggle. Sends all
- output to the file <filename>. Screen output is suspended (may
- be turned back on with M 3)
- M 3 - Send Output to Screen. On/Off Toggle. Used in conjunction
- with commands M 1 and M 2 above to force screen output ON.
- Format Selectors - Any one of M 4 thru M 8 may be selected at any time.
- M 4 - Mailing Label Format. Records are output in a format suitable
- for printing on mailing labels. Records are output in a three
- line format with a leading and trailing blank line (5 lines
- per record).
- M 5 - Raw Record Format. - Records are output as a single line of
- text with comma separated fields (see the file qrz_tech.txt
- for field descriptions.
- M 6 - Book Format - Records are output in a one-line format similar
- to that found in printed callsign books. Calls are output
- aligned by their call area number.
- M 7 - Screen Format - Default. Records are output in the default
- three line screen format. The [o] (camera) symbol means
- that a .GIF file exists for this callsign in D:\callbk\gifs
- Utility Commands
- M 8 - Pause on Full Screen. Toggle. Directs the program wether
- to pause output on each full screen of data. ON by default
- except when called from the non interactive command line.
- M 9 [num] - Records Per Page. Used to reset the number or records
- shown before the screen pauses. Set by default when any of
- M 4 thru M 7 are selected.
- M 0 - Reset to Defaults. Used to reset all M parameters to their
- initial values. Closes any files (from M 2) which may be
- open. Resets to M 3, M 7, and M 8 ON.
- M S - M Status. Displays the status of each of the M parameters.
- Compound Commands
- Any of the commands above including the M commands may be given
- as multiple comands on the same line. For example, it is possible
- to open a named file, make a format selection, select a class of
- records and close the file with a single line like:
- M 2 smiths.txt m 4 n smith "*" M 2
- This command opens a file called smiths.txt, chooses the mailing
- label output format, selects all records whose last name is 'Smith'
- and then closes the file.
- Command Line Invocation
- Commands and arguments may be passed to the qrzcom program directly
- from the command line. For example, the compound command shown
- above could be executed directly from the command line as:
- C:\> QRZCOM M 2 smiths.txt m 4 n smith "*" M 2
- C:\>
- Using with Pipes
- When piping the output of another program into qrzcom, use the
- '-' character to indicate that input is coming from a pipe. When
- the '-' is used, qrzcom will execute silently.
- <output listing...>
- C:\>
- The QRZ.INI File
- This file, if present in the user's current path (or QRZPATH), may
- contain a list of commands to execute upon startup. There is no
- limit to the number of commands this file may contain. If this file
- ends with the Q command, the program will exit rather than returning
- to the command mode.
- Environment Variables
- QRZPATH If set, is used to indicate the pathname to the directory
- containing the QRZ! data files. Normally x:\callbk is automatically
- chosen by the program on startup.
- QRZDRV If set, indicates the drive letter (DOS ONLY) to use with
- QRZPATH above.
- Program Availabilty
- The program is normally available for MSDOS machines. A version for
- UNIX is also available which contains exactly the same features.
- Shareware
- This program may be freely copied for the exclusive use with the
- QRZ! Ham Radio CDROM.
- Comments
- Send your comments to Fred Lloyd, AA7BQ flloyd@qrz.com
- ------------------- End of Help ------------------------